Thanks for visiting my blog. I write contemporary romances in both Afrikaans and English.
My affair with the romance started as soon as I was able to read. I grew up in Upington, a place where the summers are very hot and the winters very cold. Way back then it was a small but busy town with the Kalahari desert on the one side and the Orange River on the other. And I’ve only discovered much later how these two forces of nature have influenced and are still influencing the way I think about life.
My favourite visiting spots were the library, the two movie theatres and the Royal café. The library and the movie theatres were magical places. Between the pages of books I discovered different worlds to the one I grew up in and the movie theatre gave life to the places and people I read about. And I began to dream and had long conversations with people nobody else could see.
By the time I left school, I’ve read every book in the library and saw every movie that was available. But the ones I remember were the ones with the happy endings. So that’s what I write – stories with happy endings!
I’ll blog in English and Afrikaans and if ever you need anything translated, just let me know. The things I feel passionate about are my writing and my family, so that’s what I’ll be blogging about.
And Betty’s Bay?? (very unlike Upington!)
Thanks for visiting, Rob. I’m still new to this and Betty’s Bay will get a turn 🙂
Ek het min tyd vir lees… maar hierdie liefdesverhale laat my aan toffieappels dink.. stroopsoet en heérlik!
Dankie vir jou besoek papierpoppie, waardeer dit 🙂
I own several web sites which encompass blogs, article directories, and also web directories. I was wondering on whether or not you are interested in exchanging hyperlinks with my other websites. I might be more than happy in case you can approve this comment and let me know the hyperlinks that you really want me to insert into my web site, and I will comply. Sorry my language not very good. Let me know.
Hi Tabetha – your English is very good! Ah, Paris – sounds absolutely delightful to live there 🙂 I’ve only visited once but would love to return some day.
The link below is what is on my publisher’s page – it gives the links to all the sellers out there so it probably makes sense to use this:
I have only recently set up my webpage en blog and still have a lot to learn, I’m stil very stupid 🙂
Thanks for doing this!