Today I’m having Imperial breakfast tea from the Fairmont hotel group with author Kathy Skendrovich to talk about one of her romantic suspense novels, Undercover with the Nanny. But as usual, before we talk about the book, let’s find out
Let’s talk about love
I’m over on the ARRA blog, talking about love. My husband and I celebrated our 44th wedding anniversary this year. I adore him and I still get those stupid butterflies when I see him enter a room. Of course,
Malene Breytenbach gesels oor haar nuwe SuperRomanza, Verlore Skatte
Ek en Malene Breytenbach het heerlik in Stellenbosch gekuier en oor haar nuwe SuperRomanza, Verlore skatte gesels. Sy verkies wyn bo tee, maar aangesien dit 10:30 in die oggend was, het ons ewe ordentlik tee gedrink. Met natuurlik ‘n soetigheid